Technologies that I want to incorporate into my classroom to improve pedagogy

Ipad: This will allow me to connect to the updated projector at the front via Air Play so I can write notes and solve problems for my students to view. I am able to play videos, access the web to show online resources straight from my Ipad. This allows me to store my notes as a PDF if I ever need to use them again for future classes. I am able to email these notes to students who were away or didn’t have a chance to follow along during class.

Chromebooks: I will ensure there are enough chromebooks for the students to use for research whether that’s for case studies or for their free inquiries. Students will be able to use the chromebooks for educational games that I will create on Kahoot which will ensure they get the proper unit review. 

Poll-Makers: I will ask questions regarding what the students learned, any difficulties they faced or instances that they found didn’t work during the lesson. These will be accessed through via web and will be anonymous so that I can use this feedback to make improvements. They will let me determine if my pedagogical methods are effective.

Trello: This is an online website that I will recommend my students to use. It’s an online planner where they can manage their classes, and the assignments that each one have. It allows students to take responsibility of their own planning, improving their time management skills. As the teacher, I can go in and see which student is working on which class, or which tasks they have completed. This allows me to give my students frequent and descriptive feedback on their management.

GoPro: I will ensure that there is a recording device all times in class in case a student wants to record a video for an assignment rather than writing it. I present my students with options to showcase their work with any multimodal method of their choice. I am more concerned with students showing their learning rather than the method they chose to show it with. This device will be signed out by the students whenever they need it so accessibility will never be an issue.

Google Classroom: This is the main online platform I will be having my students use to follow along with the class. I will upload all lectures, criteria forms and all other resources from my class on this platform. Students will be able to upload all their work through Google Classroom, which also keeps track of all their grades. This platform is essential to get students to take responsibility of their own learning since they are able to track their progress and access all resources from this one platform.

Using technologies to meet my goals

Goal 2:
I want to perform self-reflections to see how I am progressing as a teacher and figure out what I need to improve on

The main technology I want to use in order to perform self reflections on my work is poll-maker. This online survey will allow me to realize what I need to work on when I receive feedback from my students. I strongly believe that self reflections are not only things that students need to perform but also teachers since we are only humans too. I will take these polls and analyze them to see how effective my teaching methods are. With poll maker, I am able to send out test feedback forms to see how difficult or easy my assessment methods are. Afterwards, I am able to reflect on my teaching methods and brainstorm ways to improve it by making adjustments.