Last class, we had the opportunity to sign up for our Ed Tech inquiries that we are presenting. Most groups are presenting their tech inquiry projects next week so they had the chance to work on them this class. Our tech inquiries can be in groups, pairs or solo presentations and the required time is based upon the amount of group members. I chose to do my tech inquiry alone because I feel that for the topic I chose, I would work best solo. I chose to do mine on fitness apps, particularly MyFitnessPal. This app can be used in multiple methods of pedagogy in high schools since it can be accessed through smart phones, laptops, iPads, etc. For a class like PHE which now includes the health aspect of fitness, it is a wonderful app because it allows students to track their diet and daily caloric intake. It keeps a record of what a student eats throughout the day and makes it very easy to track the food. It also allows students to track their physical activity and estimates how many calories are burned. It keeps a record log of the activities done each day including the number of steps a user takes. It’s an amazing app to incorporate in a classroom and allow students to use to show display learning.
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